FORREST JEFFREY  |  LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES  | O: (870) 773-1700  C: (903) 824-4784
O: (870) 773-1700  C: (903) 824-4784
Insurance & Annuities
Serving Clients for Over 25 Years
FORREST JEFFREY  |  LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES  | O: (870) 773-1700  C: (903) 824-4784
O: (870) 773-1700  C: (903) 824-4784
Insurance & Annuities
Serving Clients for Over 25 Years
“Time and interest have to work together to
create the best-end product.”
When you grow up on a farm, you learn about the importance of patience. You gain satisfaction in watching the animals and plants you nurture grow and mature into what you dreamed they would be. 

You also learn fast what it means to work hard from “can” to “cain’t”—meaning you worked hard until you couldn’t.

I’m a native of Arkansas and have been working in the insurance industry since 1989. Prior to that, I had built up a thriving heating and air conditioning business that unfortunately didn’t make it through the market crash of 1987. 

I also saw what happened to people in the market downturns and corrections throughout the first decade of the millennium, and I know how hard it was for many people who didn’t have their savings protected. 

This is why the main part of my job is assisting and educating families in the appropriate options for their money.  
I'm Forrest Jeffrey.
“Let’s see what we can do to rearrange your financial situation so that it’s better for you in your retirement years.”
I love to educate my clients. 

I work with folks who are just starting out or who are in their middle years, so they can let time and interest grow their money for them. I work with retirees because they’ve had time to think about it all and have seen the bumps in life. Maybe they have not had the financial success they dreamed of in their early years; maybe some have done well, but they need help. 

Creating a Better, More Secure Future for Middle America
Lets Talk!
I invite you to call me. We can sit down over a cup of coffee, and we will discuss all the available options you have for your money so you can make better financial decisions for you and your family.

And when you do, I will send you a free copy ($24.95 value) of My Family Financial Miracle: A New Way of Thinking to Protect and Control Your Money by my mentor, Merle Gilley.  
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
~ Albert Einstein
Money Strategies that Work
Achieve a level of financial independence most only dream of.
Disciplined Approach

Enjoy a substantial amount of retirement money through simple saving and spending plans.
Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Know that your financial needs come first, and we take the time to get to know you!
Take Control of Your Financial Future -
No Luck or Guesswork Required!
Free Download!
CLICK HERE to download a free chapter of My Family Financial Miracle, by my friend and colleague, Merle Gilley. He’s helped thousands take control of their money, and you might find his ideas useful.
Know that what he talks about can work for all people in all income brackets. You don’t need a windfall to take advantage of this solution.

From the Desk of: Forrest Jeffrey

If you have a Life Insurance policy, this is a MUST READ!
P.S. Spoiler Alert!
#1  Life insurance rates have decreased dramatically!
#4  Government tax codes allow you to exchange old policies for new, lower cost ones—all without taxation or penalties!
Free Money Tips & 'How-To' Information
Updated every 1 to 3 weeks, this webinar series will provide you great insights into how money works.

Hosted by key industry leaders, you will learn helpful hints and little-known secrets on how to save, keep, grow, and protect your money.

Pause the video for more options and links to free downloads on the video topic.

Visit Often. Topics change regularly.
100% Free Consultation
Financial, retirement and insurance planning all begins with a simple conversation.
Retirement Planning
It's never to late or too early to start. The important thing is to Start Today.
Consumer Advocacy
I’m interested in finding out about you and what you need for your money.
Serving the Texarkana Area and Beyond 
"Thank you for fully explaining the various options available, and making a difficult task so easy! You definitely have my vote of confidence, and I will continue to send others your way!"
— Linda M.
"I’ve known Forrest Jeffrey for many years and have in recent years asked him to explain the many options available in Life Insurance and Annuities. I was impressed that Forrest has the knowledge and training to give his clients the information they need."
— Richard W.
About Forrest Continued...
My parents were struggling small-time row crop farmers, and we also raised a large number of farm animals. My favorite part was the “truck-patch” garden that I had to help tend to ensure we had vegetables throughout the year. Like most poor kids, I didn’t know how much my parents struggled until I was older. 

No matter what I have done in life, I have made sure that I give special attention to the customer service aspect of the business. I enjoy getting to know my clients, but it’s the attention I give to all my clients over time that is special to me. It’s not just your finances that matter, but who you are as people. I have found over the years that whenever I stepped out from that mentality, then the transaction becomes mechanical and cold—and that’s not fulfilling to me, and it certainly doesn’t help those whom I help.  

Most people don’t know their options for saving for the future. They don’t know there are ways to save money that are tax advantaged, meaning you don’t have to partner with “Uncle Sam,” for your retirement. There are other, viable ways to manage your savings outside of qualified plans that put your money at risk in the stock market—that protect it while it grows with market-like gains.   
Start Your Free Consultation
 I look forward to meeting you.
 2023 Forrest E. Jeffrey
2605 Texas Blvd., Suite  900, Texarkana, TX 75503
O: (870) 773-1700